
HamWAN’s first goal is to provide a set of standards for implementing high performance microwave networks. Our second goal is to create a reference implementation of this network in the Puget Sound region.

To call your network a HamWAN, you must meet the following certification criteria:

  1. A ham must be able to use the Client Node Configuration instructions to connect to your network. You can use the Sector Configuration instructions to accomplish this. Here is a summary:

    • Use the SSID ‘HamWAN’
    • Use NV2 TDMA mode (currently only available on Mikrotik hardware)
    • Use the 10 MHz or 5 MHz in 10 MHz channels frequency plan with 120 degree sectors
  2. Your network must be routable on the Internet. It is important that HamWAN networks are interconnected, and to do this we use the Internet.

    • A convenient/cheap way to accomplish this is by using addresses from AMPR
  3. Your network must be open for use by all hams. The only exclusion permitted is after a documented violation of Part 97.

  4. Have your network reviewed by the HamWAN organization to confirm that these criteria have been met. Please email psdr@hamwan.org when you are ready to certify your network.

Certified Networks

Networks Pending Certification

Non-HamWAN Networks

Interconnected/routable with HamWAN

These networks have been designed in a way that allows communication with HamWAN, but they use different RF standards.